Wednesday, July 1, 2009

7. Touble Brews

Well it was just a matter of time.
George and Beryl have had a strained relationship for a few years now, not sure why but I think it has to do with her grumpy attitude, she's never happy.
Last night George and her got into it pretty good, they argued on the front lawn so loudly that I worried the neighbors would hear them.

Beryl ran from the house and was gone well into the night. George and I were so scared, we called the police and the search was on.
We later learned that she was seen in the park.

The cops found her and brought her home. We were both relieved and angry.
We had reached are limits with her rebellion and I think I know where it's all coming from....

She is in love.
"He is what makes her happy!" she screams the next morning.

They've been good friends since grade school. He's a nice enough boy but George thinks his upbringing on the other side of the river makes him unsuitable for our daughter.

As we deal with this latest drama we are also blessed with our two boys.
They are growing up well so far.
P.S. Did you notice my hair. It's gray. This is a first for me and I like it, I'm slower than I used to be and a bit more fragile but it means I'm aging and I am not afraid of death.


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