Monday, July 6, 2009

13. Rest in Peace

Yes reader, this is my gravestone.

It sits next to my George's gravestone.
You may be asking..."how did this happen?"....."when did this happen?"
Well let me explain.

George didn't make it from the hospital the evening after the boys birthday party.
The symptoms began slowly and the doctors at Riverview Memorial tried their best but the heart attack had done too much damage, he died while I held his hand.
The funeral was a few days later.

I was beside myself with grief but I had to be strong for my family.
They never knew their grandparents so this was their first experience with losing someone they loved.

I had experienced death....many times.
But this was different, this time I was losing someone I loved.
As the warm day chilled and the night drew near I finally left the fresh grave.
I knew I would be joining George soon enough.

Now all I could do was wait.
I was still in mourning when the time came.

While the boys slept I rose from bed and could feel myself enveloped in what felt like a warm fuzzy blanket. My feet were no longer touching the ground, I was weightless and floating.
I did not feel fear at all, only pure love and happiness.

My old friend was there.
I did not beg or plead for more time.
I was ready to go.

So, dear reader, this is the end of my story but the beginning of another.
My son Bishop has inherited more than just my looks. He has inherited a dark legacy, I can only hope he is strong enough to control it so that it doesn't control him......

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