Thursday, July 16, 2009

17. Speechless

It's amazing how just when you think you have it all and that you're the luckiest sim in the world and then it all crashes down around you. That's what happened the other day, what was supposed to be a joyous occasion was destroyed by the......

It was the morning of Constance's birthday and we had decided to have a quiet celebration rather than having the normal big bash. Christin said she would grab the baby and meet me in the kitchen because I was in the other room trying to find the camera. The next thing I heard were the screams of my sweet Christin. "Fire, the cakes on fire!".
As I ran into the room the kitchen was engulfed in flames and Christin and the baby were on the other sides of the flames.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I tried everything I could the estinguish the flames. The fire department finally arrived (I knew living this far out in the country was a risk) and they managed to contain the fire long enough for me to grab the baby and take her to safety.

But.....we weren't able to get to Christen in time. Before I had a chance to figure out what to do next I witnessed her body fall to the ground into the ashes of the fire.
What just happened? How could this be?

The next sound I hear put a cold chill down my spine, it was the sound of Carson's school bus dropping him off. The fire department was still on the scene, I couldn't let my son see his mother like this, I ran to meet him at the door and held him tight, but not before he saw a clean white sheet being draped over his mothers charred remains.

We celebrated Constance's birthday the next day.
It was impossible to even bring myself to smile. Carson was brave and tried as hard as he could to be happy for his baby sister.

In the months that followed our pain didn't go away but was softened by watching Constance grow and florish, I well up with tears and my throat tightens when I think of how she will never have memories of her mother. I am now a single dad and I know that I will never be able to give my heart to another woman, there is only enough love left for my wonderful children.

Christin was a clumsy sim and I totally forgot that clumsy sims can accidently cause fires from birthday cakes, she had taken Carson to his cake with no issues. So when this happened I was in complete SHOCK!
Also, since she caught on fire with the baby in her arms there was a glitch or something that she wouldn't put the baby down so she couldn't go to the shower to put herself out. I finally had to use ctrl+c "resetsim to get the baby out of her arms and as soon as the baby was on the floor Christin turned to ash. MORE SHOCK!!
This was not planned and really saddened me because I really like Christin, but...the story must go on.

Jules B

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