Tuesday, June 30, 2009

6. My Legacy Child is Born!

It was the ultimate power trip!
I had it all and it felt great!
I had Family, Friends, and lots and lots of money.
Can it possibly stay this way?

George was at the top of his game too!
I can't give too many details because I don't want to jeopardize National security but let's just say that James Bond and my George have a lot in common.

Young Beryl was successful too. She had just finished her first novel "My Life Stinks".
Yes, we were a bit surprised by the title but we figure it must be a phase that all teens go through.

Unfortunately the phase turned into out right rebellion and one day we got a call from George's buddies that they had picked up our daughter. She was blocking traffic and seemed to be disoriented. We will be keeping a very close eye on our dear daughter.

Something even more serious was beginning to happen.
While George and I are the same age, only he seemed to be showing the signs of growing older. How long could I keep my secret?
How much longer till I would have to run?
I couldn't imagine my life without my dear loving George.

I had been on the run before, over hundreds of years in this body. Watching others around me enjoy the life I desperately wanted.
There was only ONE way!
I must pass my "soul" onto another, to an unborn child.
But while I would be freeing myself I would be cursing another.

It is done!
I am with child. I am with twins.
George is so happy he can't stop smiling.
If he only knew that one of these dear sweet angels I was carrying would be very very different.

The babies arrive!
On the drive home I hold little Boston. So much like his father and big sister. So warm in my arms. I can only hope that George is too distracted to notice that the baby he hold is not warm at all, but cold, as cold as the night air.

Little Bishop Youngblood!
Heir to the Youngblood Legacy and my savior!

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